CLAS for retirement homes

Seniorenheim alarm

CLAS was developed as an innovative, full-fledged nurse call system, with integrated person location function, for retirement homes and comparable care facilities.

As CLAS was designed as a radio solution, only a 24V power supply is required for the radio receivers to be installed. There are no costs for laying signal lines. This means that the solution can be installed, parameterised and commissioned very quickly and cost-effectively, both in new buildings and in existing facilities.

Should a receiver fail, a corresponding fault message is immediately sent. Due to the redundant design of the CLAS receiver technology, this does not lead to any restrictions in the emergency alarm system. A trained building technician can replace the defective unit quickly and easily.

Optionally, wired triggering components, such as pear pushbuttons and pullcords, wired modules for caregiver identification, alarm escalation and alarm resetting, as well as corridor lamps for visual alarm signalling, can be connected to the system on request.

A CLAS solution for retirement homes consists of the following modules:

  • CoSi Linux server with CLAS server software.
  • Ideally, but not absolutely necessary, a usable WLAN network in the care facility.
  • A MESH gateway terminal for setting up redundant alarm routes
  • Ideally, but not absolutely necessary, an SR-ISM-WLAN radio receiver/radio gateway in each room
  • A mobile emergency hand-held transmitter for each resident, e.g. the FuFi-smart-ISM
  • Optional radio-based manual release devices, such as the FuFi-bath-ISM or the FuFi-pull-ISM
  • Optional radio-based fire detectors such as the FuFi-smoke-ISM or the FuFi-thermal-ISM
  • Optional automatic detectors such as the FuFi-motion-ISM or the FuFi-motion-ISM-S
  • The optional connection of contact inputs via a FuFi-wire-ISM or a FuFi-MConact-ISM

For a desired connection of wired modules, IP-dialler-solo, IP-dialler-solo-H or IP-dialler-western are required.

Each of these IP-diallers can optionally be extended by a SeCom interface. An optional SeCom-4x multiplexer can be used to connect 4 additional SeCom interfaces.

Finally, up to 5 different SeCom triggering components, an RFID reset unit and a corridor lamp can be operated at each SeCom interface.

CLAS supports several options for forwarding alarms to the responsible nursing staff. CoSi electronics recommends the use of Android caregiver smartphones for this purpose. CLAS then alerts on the CLAS app installed there. Alternatively, Android tablets can also be used.

In addition to the use of the graphical alerting interface, close-range identification of the mobile emergency call transmitter and thus also of the person in need of help is also possible via the Android devices. The CLAS app then automatically reports to the CLAS server which carer is currently looking after which person in need of help, at which location in the care facility.

As an alternative to using the CLAS caregiver app, it is also possible to forward the alarms to external systems. Mobile DECT telephones, for example, can then also be used to receive alarms.


CoSi electronics GmbH

Bodenseestraße 39
D-88630 Pfullendorf/Aach-Linz

+49 7552 38 799-0
Mo-Fr: 8:30- 17.00


CoSi Location & Alerting System (CLAS)


Our solution for assisted living, retirement homes, hospitals and schools
